Academic department of Intelligent Information Technologies

The Department of Intelligent Information Technologies was founded on January 10, 1995. The main objective of the department is to train intramural specialists in the specialty 1-40 03 01 "Artificial Intelligence". Also, the department staff teaches specialized courses on intelligent systems for intramural and distant students of the specialties "Information systems and technologies in economics", "Information systems and technologies in logistics".

The department trains intra- and extramural graduate students in the specialty 1-40 80 06 "Artificial Intelligence". It is also possible to embark on postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.13.17 "Theoretical foundations of computer science".

Academic research work at the department is carried out in the field of the creation and advancement of semantic technologies for the development of intelligent systems. Students of the department are also involved in research work; the Student Academic Research Laboratory (SARL) is at work.
Daniil Shunkevich
Daniil Shunkevich
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Intelligent Information Technologies
Golenkov Vladimir
Golenkov Vladimir
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Natallia Hrakava
Natallia Hrakava
Senior lecturer
Natalia Guliakina
Natalia Guliakina
Associate Professor of the Department of Intelligent Information Technologies,
PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Deputy Head of the department for academic affairs, Acting Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory 3.7 "New information technologies"
Uladzimir Zakharau
Uladzimir Zakharau
PhD in Technical Sciences
Valerian Ivashenko
Valerian Ivashenko
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Yury Krapivin
Yury Krapivin
PhD in Technical Sciences
Mikhail Kovalev
Mikhail Kovalev
Teaching assistant, Master of Technical Sciences
Mikhail Sadouski
Mikhail Sadouski
Teaching assistant, Master of Technical Sciences
Siarhei Nikifarau
Siarhei Nikifarau
Teaching assistant