Kovalev Mikhail

Kovalev Mikhail

Master of Engineering Science, Assistant

Minsk, st. Platonov, 39, 5 educational building, room. 609-5

Phone: +375 17 293-85-33

E-mail: kovalev@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
artificial intelligence, neuro-symbolic AI, knowledge base, inference, artificial neural networks

BSUIR, 2017;
Graduate education, BSUIR, 2019

Working career
BSUIR: Teaching Assistant of the Department of IIT (2019 - pr.m.)

Taught academic subjects
Operation Systems, Designing programs in intelligent systems

Main publications
1. Kovalev, M. V. Model for the representation of artificial neural networks and actions for their processing in the knowledge base / M. V. Kovalev // Otkrytye semanticheskie tekhnologii proektirovaniya intellektual'nyh sistem = Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems (OSTIS-2021) : collection of scientific papers / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; editorial board: V. V. Golenkov [and etc.]. - Minsk, 2021. - vol. 5. - pp.93-100.
2. Semantic analysis of the video stream based on neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence / A. Kroshchanka [et. al.] // Otkrytye semanticheskie tekhnologii proektirovaniya intellektual'nyh sistem = Open Semantic Technologies for Intelligent Systems (OSTIS-2021) : collection of scientific papers / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics ; editorial board: V. V. Golenkov [and etc.]. - Minsk, 2021. - vol. 5. - pp.193-204.