Vladimir Golenkov
Doctor of Technical Sciences, ProfessorMinsk, 39 Platonova street, building 5, office 606
Phone: +375 17 293-23-24
E-mail: golen@bsuir.by
Taught academic subjects
- traditional and intelligent information technologies;
- knowledge management systems;
- Innovative technologies for the intelligent systems design
Main publications
1. Representation and knowledge processing in dynamic graph associative machines: Monography /V.V. Golenkov [et al.]. - Minsk.:BSUIR, 2001 - 412 p.
2. Programming in associative machines: Monography /V.V. Golenkov [et al.]. - Minsk.: BSUIR, 2001. - 276 p.
3. Intelligent learning systems and virtual educational organizations: Monography /Golenkov V.V. [et al.]. - Minsk.: BSUIR, 2001. - 488 p.
- traditional and intelligent information technologies;
- knowledge management systems;
- Innovative technologies for the intelligent systems design
Main publications
1. Representation and knowledge processing in dynamic graph associative machines: Monography /V.V. Golenkov [et al.]. - Minsk.:BSUIR, 2001 - 412 p.
2. Programming in associative machines: Monography /V.V. Golenkov [et al.]. - Minsk.: BSUIR, 2001. - 276 p.
3. Intelligent learning systems and virtual educational organizations: Monography /Golenkov V.V. [et al.]. - Minsk.: BSUIR, 2001. - 488 p.