Kovalchuk Natalia

Kovalchuk Natalia

Deputy Chief Engineer of JSC "INTEGRAL" - managing company of the holding "INTEGRAL" for serial production, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor

Minsk, Korzhenevskogo str., 12A, Office 238
E-mail: ns.kovalchukkafett@bsuir.by

Repository BSUIR
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Professional interests/researches:
• microelectronics;
• power electronics;
• thin-film structures;
• rapid heat treatment processes.

• BSUIR, Electron-optical apparatus Engineering, 1999;
• Candidate of Technical Sciences, 2012.

Working career:
Transistor branch of JSC "INTEGRAL" - management company of the holding "INTEGRAL":
• 1999-2001 engineer-technologist;
• 2006-2009 leading engineer-technologist;
• 2009-2010 head of the technological bureau;
• 2010-2017 Chief engineer of production No. 4 of the branch "Transistor";
• 2013 -present Deputy Chief Engineer of JSC "INTEGRAL" - management company of the holding" INTEGRAL " for serial production.

PhD thesis: "Multilayer structures based on silicon nitride for membrane microelectromechanical systems and semiconductor devices" (05.27.01), defense 28.06.2012
Research topics, current results: SiNx, Sinx, photo-and electroluminescence, optoelectronics and resistive memory systems, rapid heat treatment processes.

Taught academic subjects:
• Submicron structure technology (total hours-144.6 lectures-52)

Main publications:
1. Electrophysical processes and equipment in the technology of micro-and nanoelectronics: monograph / A. P. Dostanko [et al.]; ed. by A. P. Dostanko, A.M. Rusetsky. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2011. - 210 p.: ill.
2. Design and production of electronic equipment products: a manual / A. P. Dostanko [et al.]. - Minsk : BSUIR, 2017. - 80 p.: ill.
3. Physico-chemical processes of production of integrated electronics products: lab. workshop on the disciplines " Design and technology ed. integral. electronics", " Phys.- chem. fundamentals of materials and electron. components" for students of the specialties "Design and production of RES", "Electron-optical systems and technologies", " Electronic security systems»

Merits, awards, incentives:
• Member of the Interdepartmental Coordination Council for the Development of the nanoindustry in the Republic of Belarus (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 640 of 18.07.2013 as amended by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 971 of 28.12.018)
• Diplom of the Ministry of Industry-2016