Vyacheslav Gerasimov
General information
Minsk, 39 Platonov str., office 410B
Phone: +375 17 293-89-56
E-mail: v.gerasimov@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
- Software development
- Programming systems
Higher education (M. Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, 2016), retraining (Institute of Information Technologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Information Systems Software, 2021)I
Internships, advanced training
- BSPU IPKiP course "Programming language C++" 2012-2013.
- MOIRO Certified exam in the category "Educational work" 22.12.2016
- MGIRO "The use of interactive graphics and animation in the creation of training resources" from 22.10.2018 to 27.10 2018
- HTP "Scratch Programming: basic level" (online course) 03.12.2018
- MGIRO "Creation of information and educational products based on the editor of three-dimensional graphics and animation 3Ds MAX" from 22.11.2018 to 27.12.2018)
Working career
- GUO "Secondary school No. 42 of Minsk computer science teacher;
- Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (course officer of the cadet battalion, assistant)
Taught academic subjects
- Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming
- Three-dimensional modeling