Fadeeva Elena Evgenievna
Assistant lecturer
Minsk, st. Gikalo, 9, 215a-4
Phone: +375 17 293-88-20
E-mail: fadeevaee@bsuir.by
Professional interests/researches
Development of models, methods, algorithms for assessing the quality and state of complex systems, relay databases
Minsk Radiotechnical Institute (BSUIR), specialty "Computing systems"; internships, advanced training (advanced training 2013 State Educational Institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" Minsk topic: "Development of electronic materials for distance learning"; internship at the Volga State University of Service Togliatti, Russia; advanced training 2018 State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" Minsk topic: "Export strategies in sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus")
Working career
Systems engineer at MPOVT from 1991 to 1994, software engineer at BSUIR from 1994 to 2001, assistant from 2001 to the present.
Taught academic subjects
- Fundamentals of algorithms and programming;
- Databases;
- Software development technologies
Merits, awards, incentives
Gratitude for participation in the international scientific-practical conference "West-Russia-East" 2013.
Certificate of honor for conscientious work 2016