V. L. Malevich

Malevich Vitali

Ph.D., Dr. Hab., Professor
Gikalo 9, 220013, Minsk, Belarus
Tel: +375 17 293 89 13
E-mail: v.malevich@bsuir.by

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1968 -1974 Student, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Physics and Technology Department
1976-1979 Ph.D. student, Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
1979 Ph.D. degree in Physics and Mathematics from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
2010 Dr. Hab. from Institute of Physics of Academy of Sciences of Belarus

1974 - 1976 Engineer, Institute of Electronic Devices (Fryazino, Moscow Region, Russia);
1979 - 1980 - Junior Researcher, Institute of Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus 1980 - 1989 Senior Researcher, Institute of Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1989 - 2005 - Leading Researcher, Department of Optical Problems of Informatics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus;
2005 - 2019 -Leading Researcher, Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus; 2019 - until now - Professor of the Department of Physics, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Expertise and Scientific Activity:
Semiconductor physics. Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Nonlinear optics of semiconductors. Simulation of ultrafast electron transport in semiconductors. Terahertz technologies. , Metasurfaces.

Papers in refereed journals - 118
List of some recent publications since 2017:

1. I. V. Semchenko, S. A. Khakhomov, V. S. Asadchy, S. V. Golod, E. V. Naumova, V. Ya. Prinz, A. M. Goncharenko, G. V. Sinitsyn, A. V. Lyakhnovich, and V. L. Malevich. Investigation of electromagnetic properties of a high absorptive, weakly reflective metamaterial—substrate system with compensated chirality // J. Appl. Phys. - 2017. V. 121, 015108.
2. A. Arlauskas, L. Subačius, A. Krotkus, V. L. Malevich. Terahertz emission from InSb illuminated by femtosecond laser pulses // J. Phys D: Applied Phys. - 2017. - V. 50, 055101.
3. N. N. Rosanov, G. B. Sochilin, S. V. Fedorov, A. N. Shatsev, V. L. Malevich, and G. V. Sinitsyn. On Reflection of Terahertz Radiation from a Rough Surface // Optics and Spectroscopy. - 2017. V. 123, 150.
4. N. N. Rosanov, G. B. Sochilin, S. V. Fedorov, A. N. Shatsev, V. L. Malevich, and G. V. Sinitsyn. On Focusing of Terahertz Radiation Beams and Pulses // Optics and Spectroscopy. - 2017. V. 123, 146.
5. V. L. Malevich, G. V. Sinitsyn, G. B. Sochilin, and N. N. Rozanov. Manifestations of Radiation Scattering in the Method of Pulsed Terahertz Spectroscopy // Optics and Spectroscopy. - 2018. V. 124, 889.
6. V. L. Malevich, G. V. Sinitsyn, and N. N. Rozanov. On Focusing of Broadband Terahertz Pulses // Optics and Spectroscopy. - 2019. V. 127, 719.
7. I. E. Ilyakov, B. V. Shishkin, V. L. Malevich, D. S. Ponomarev, R. R. Galiev, A. Yu. Pavlov, A. E. Yachmenev, S. P. Kovalev, M. Chen, R. A. Akhmedzhanov, and R. A. Khabibullin. Efficient optical-to-terahertz conversion in large-area InGaAs photo-Dember emitters with increased indium content //Optics Letters. - 2021. V. 46, 3360.
8. V. L. Malevich, P.A. Ziaziulia, R.Norkus, V. Pačebutas, I. Nevinskas, and A. Krotkus. Terahertz Pulse Emission from Semiconductor Heterostructures Caused by Ballistic Photocurrents // Sensors. - 2021. - V. 21, 4067.