Goryachun Natalya Vladimirovna
senior professorof the Department of Physics
Minsk, Gikalo str., 9, 4 academic building, room 505
Phone: (+375 17 293-89-13)
E-mail: n.goryachun@bsuir.by
Links to profiles:
Google Scholar
Area of professional interests
Methods of teaching general physics at the university.
Higher education, V. I. Lenin BSU, specialty "Physics".
She passed the FPC in the BSU RISH under the program "Information computer technologies in education, professional level" from 05.10.2015-30.10.2015;
According to the program "Cloud technologies and Web 2.0 services in education" from 09.09.2019-04.10.2019
Labor activity
Since 1988-Assistant of the Department of Physics of BSUIR;
Since 2002-Senior lecturer of the Department of Physics of BSUIR
The subject of research is currently determined by the State Research Center No. 16-2025 "Development of methodological principles of continuous fundamental training in physics in the college-university system".
Readable academic disciplines
The academic discipline "Physics" in the amount of 476 hours.
The list of scientific papers contains 33 publications
List of scientific publications in the 2019/2020 academic year:
1. Goryachun, N. V. Electromagnetism. Tasks for independent work of students: a manual/ N. V. Goryachun. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019.
2. Goryachun, N. V., Rusina, N. V. The role of the curator of the student group in the formation of social competencies of students / N. V. Goryachun, N. V. Rusina // Higher School: problems and prospects: materials of the XIV International Scientific Method. conf., Minsk, Belarus, November 29, 2019-Minsk: BSU, pp. 120-122.
Merits, awards, incentives
Diplomas of the BSUIR