Pukhir Halina

Pukhir Halina

Senior Lecturer, Master of Science
Minsk, P.Brovka, st., 6, building 1, office 406-1
Òåëåôîí: +375 17 293-85-58

Profiles links:
BSUIR repository

Professional interests/researches
information security, intellectual property management, development of EMR shielding composite materials, radiofrequency absorbing coatings, nanotechnology)

Education, trainings, professional development
In 2009 graduated Educational Institution «Belorussian State Academy of Communications» with a degree in «Postal Communication».
In 2010 studied for a master's degree in «Methods and Systems of Protection Information, Information Security» at Educational Institution «Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics».
In 2012 graduated from the postgraduate course of the Educational Institution «Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics» in «Methods and Systems of Protection Information, Information Security».

Professional activity
Since 2019 and until now is the Senior Lecturer of the Information Security department and Researcher (in combination) at the researching laboratory of Advanced Materials for Electronics at Educational Institution «Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics».
From 2012 to 2019 was assistant Professor Department of the Information Security and Junior Researcher (in combination) at the researching laboratory of Advanced Materials for Electronics at Educational Institution «Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics».
In 2010 has defended a master thesis on the «Researching of dielectric properties of EMR shielding water-containing materials» and received an academic degree Master of Science.
In 2012 has obtained the research diploma.
Research topics are related to the development of structures for electromagnetic shields based on composite materials. The research is carried out within the framework of the State National Research Institute, BRFFR projects, programs of the Union State.

Academic activity
- Information Security Basics - 94 hours
- Information Security Basics module Intellectual Property Management Basics - 94 hours
- Information Security in Computer Systems and Logistic Networks - 76 hours
- Power Supply of Infocommunication Devices - 126 hours
- Secondary power supplies - 82 hours
- Access Control Biometrical Systems- 90 hours
- Special Purpose Operating Systems - 108 hours

Shielding Properties of Electromagnetic Radiation Absorbers with Geometrical and Structure Heterogeneities / L.M. Lyn’kov, N.V. Nasonova, M.Sh. Mahmood, H.A. Pukhir, O.V. Boiprav // Eng. &Tech. Journal. - 2014. - Vol. 32, Part (A), N 12, P. 2891-2903.

The scholarship of the President of the Republic of Belarus for students and talented youth Awards (2008).
The 2011 URSI GAAS Young Scientists Awards