Kurochkin Alexander
Associate Professor, Ph. D.Minsk, P. Brovki street, house 6, building 1, office 333a.
Phone: +375 17 293-86-50.
E-mail: kurochkin@bsuir.by
Links to profiles:
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Publications in the repository of BSUIR:
Repository BSUIR
Professional interests/researches Non-linear effects in radio receiving paths; digital radio receivers; visual programming technologies: Visual Basic, NetBeans IDE, LabVIEW, H5P, DHTML, Java; methods of computer visualization when modeling processes and phenomena; development of mathematical models of functional units of the radio receiving path, virtual laboratory works and stands.
Graduated from Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1979 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2020 on the topic "Innovative technologies for improving the quality of the educational process", Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Executives and Specialists in Information Technology and Radioelectronics BSUIR in 2015 and 2010 on the topics "Programming in Java "And" LabVIEW Fundamentals 1 ".
Working career.
Since 1990, assistant, since 1991, associate professor of the Department of Radio Receivers of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, since 1994, Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Devices, since 2014, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Radio Technologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Defense of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in 1990 in the specialty 05.12.17 "Radio and television devices and systems" on the topic "Optimization of the characteristics of the dynamic range of preselectors of radio receivers with a magnetic antenna".
Taught academic subjects
Radio receivers (326 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_91817.pdf
Methods and devices for receiving and processing signals (354 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_91816.pdf
Main publications Kurochkin, A.E. Synthesis of high-order quasi-band ladder filters / Kurochkin A.E. // Reports of BSUIR. - 2019. - No. 7-8 (126). - S. 30-37. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2019-126-8-30-37. -[Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/38090
Kurochkin, A.E. Synthesis of high-order low-pass ladder transforming filters / A.E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, department. information radio technologies, 2018. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32008
Kurochkin, A. E. Calculation of the probability of error in receiving digital signals: textbook / A. E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, dept. information radio technologies, 2018. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32217
Kurochkin, A.E. Features of synthesis of high-order ladder transforming filters / A.E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, department. information radio technologies, 2018 .-- 27 p. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/33307
Merits, awards, incentives
Awarded with a silver lapel badge "For services to BSUIR" in 2018;
awarded the badge "Military Faculty of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" in 2018.
Graduated from Minsk Radio Engineering Institute in 1979 with a degree in Radio Engineering;
trainings, professional development:
State educational institution "Republican Institute of Higher Education" in 2020 on the topic "Innovative technologies for improving the quality of the educational process", Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Executives and Specialists in Information Technology and Radioelectronics BSUIR in 2015 and 2010 on the topics "Programming in Java "And" LabVIEW Fundamentals 1 ".
Working career.
Since 1990, assistant, since 1991, associate professor of the Department of Radio Receivers of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, since 1994, Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Engineering Devices, since 2014, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Radio Technologies of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Defense of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in 1990 in the specialty 05.12.17 "Radio and television devices and systems" on the topic "Optimization of the characteristics of the dynamic range of preselectors of radio receivers with a magnetic antenna".
Taught academic subjects
Radio receivers (326 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_91817.pdf
Methods and devices for receiving and processing signals (354 hours) - [Electronic resource] - https://www.bsuir.by/m/12_100229_1_91816.pdf
Main publications Kurochkin, A.E. Synthesis of high-order quasi-band ladder filters / Kurochkin A.E. // Reports of BSUIR. - 2019. - No. 7-8 (126). - S. 30-37. - DOI: https://doi.org/10.35596/1729-7648-2019-126-8-30-37. -[Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/38090
Kurochkin, A.E. Synthesis of high-order low-pass ladder transforming filters / A.E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, department. information radio technologies, 2018. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32008
Kurochkin, A. E. Calculation of the probability of error in receiving digital signals: textbook / A. E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, dept. information radio technologies, 2018. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/32217
Kurochkin, A.E. Features of synthesis of high-order ladder transforming filters / A.E. Kurochkin. - BSUIR, department. information radio technologies, 2018 .-- 27 p. - [Electronic resource]. - https://libeldoc.bsuir.by/handle/123456789/33307
Merits, awards, incentives
Awarded with a silver lapel badge "For services to BSUIR" in 2018;
awarded the badge "Military Faculty of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics" in 2018.