Belenkevich Natalia
Senior LecturerMinsk, P. Brovki, 10, 516
Phone: +375 17 293-88-19
E-mail: belenkevich@bsuir.by
2. Professional interests/researches in the field of information and measurement systems
3. Education
Higher BSUIR 1992-1997 in the specialty "Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television", postgraduate study BSUIR 1997-2000, advanced training according to the plan of advanced training of BSUIR - from the last in 2017 she completed advanced training at the RIVSH under the program "Pedagogical skills of a teacher: an innovative approach" ( from 09/25/2017 to 10/06/2017 - 72 hours) - certificate of advanced training No. 2788354.
4. Working career
Assistant at the Department of Telecommunication Systems since November 2000, Senior Lecturer at the Department of STK (since September 2006) and then ICT since September 2017 Research topics - development of a software and hardware complex for modeling signals and links of telecommunication systems and radio electronics.
5. Taught academic subjects
5.1 Basics of optimization methods - 90 hours
5.2 Application programming - 90 hours
5.3 Television and information display - 216 hours
6. Main publications
6.1 Belenkevich N.I., Vasilevsky V.V., Ilyinkov V.A., Koval K.A., Tsvetkov V.Yu. Complex for signal and system modeling / Components and technologies. - No. 5, 2017. - 186 p .; P. 133 - 136
6.2 Belenkevich N.I., Ilyinkov V.A. Joint description of signals, linear links and reactions of telecommunication systems and radio electronics / Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. A series of physical and technical sciences. - No. 4, 2017. - 128 p .; S. 93 - 104.
6.3 Belenkevich N.I., Ilyinkov V.A., Tsvetkov V.Yu., Voitenkov A.S., Yarkov Ya.M. Hardware and software complex for generating signals of various forms and types of modulation / Digital signal processing and coding theory: scientific and technical materials. seminar (Minsk, April 26, 2018). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2018 .-- p. 52-55
6.4 Belenkevich N.I., Ilyinkov V.A., Kukhmar D.A. Modeling of signals, linear links and reactions of telecommunication systems and radio electronics in the frequency domain / Reports of BSUIR. - No. 4 (114), 2018. - 104 p., Pp. 29-36
6.5 Belenkevich N.I., Ilyinkov V.A. Modeling of signals, links and reactions of telecommunications and radio electronics systems / Investigation of ways to improve the efficiency of telecommunications systems: research report, topic code GB 16-2013, No. GR 20162386 / BSUIR.