Yauhen Novik

General information:
Surname Name Patronymic
Yauhen Novik
Job title, academic degree, rank
Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Minsk, 9 Gikalo street, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: kafgumd@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
Yauhen Novik
Job title, academic degree, rank
Full Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Minsk, 9 Gikalo street, building 4
Phone: +375 17 293-80-14
E-mail: kafgumd@bsuir.by
Repository BSUIR
Google Scholar
Professional interests/researches:
History of scientific education, ways of improving the quality of modern education
Education, trainings, professional development:
Minsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1965
Minsk State Pedagogical Institute, Postgraduate studies, 1970
Qualification Enhancement
Moscow State University (two times)
Belarusian State University (two times)
National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk (several times)
Minsk State Pedagogical Institute, Postgraduate studies, 1970
Qualification Enhancement
Moscow State University (two times)
Belarusian State University (two times)
National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk (several times)
Working career:
1972-1973 : Minsk State Pedagogical Institute, Associate Professor
1975-1986 : Minsk Institute of Culture, Associate Professor
1986-1989 : Republican Interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Specialists of the Sectors of the National Economy, Associate Professor
1989-2013 : Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and BSUIR, Head of the Department of Humanities, Full Professor
Candidate dissertation (PhD thesis) on historical and party problems. Defended at the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus in 1971 (Minsk).
Doctoral dissertation on historical and party problems. Defended at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute in 1988 (Moscow).
1975-1986 : Minsk Institute of Culture, Associate Professor
1986-1989 : Republican Interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Training of Executives and Specialists of the Sectors of the National Economy, Associate Professor
1989-2013 : Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and BSUIR, Head of the Department of Humanities, Full Professor
Candidate dissertation (PhD thesis) on historical and party problems. Defended at the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus in 1971 (Minsk).
Doctoral dissertation on historical and party problems. Defended at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute in 1988 (Moscow).
Taught academic subjects:
History of Belarus, history of the Great Patriotic War
Main publications:
Novik E.K. "Bolonskie tajny". "Belaruskaya dumka". - Minsk. - 2012. - N 10. - S. 45-52.
Novik E.K. Istoriya Belarusi, 1917-45 gg.: uchebnoe posobie dlya 10 kl. uchrezhden. Obshch. sred. Obrazovaniya s russk. YAz. Obucheniya / E.K.Novik. Minsk: Nar. Asveta, 2012. - 182 s.: il.
Nov³k YA.K. G³storyya Belarus³, 1917-1945 gg.: vuchebny dapamozhn. Dlya 10-ga kl. ustano¢ agul'n. Syaredn. Adukac. Z belarus. Movaj navuchannya; a¢tar metadychn. Aparatu V.V.G³nchuk / YA.K.Nov³k. M³nsk: Nar. Asveta, 2012. - 182 s.: ³l.
Novik E.K., Kachalov I.L. Istoriya Belarusi. S drevnejshih vremyon do 2012 g. : ucheb. posobie / E. K. Novik, I. L. Kachalov, N. E. Novik ; pod red. E. K. Novika. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Minsk : Vysh. shk., 2012. - 542 s.
Novik E.K. O Bolonskom processe i dejstvitel'nyh problemah obrazovaniya // Sociologiya - 2013 - N 3 - S. 83-97.
Novik E.K. Lovushki Bolonskogo processa. O problemah srednej i vysshej shkoly v Belarusi i putyah ee reformirovaniya // Belorusskaya dumka - 2013 -N 11- S. 49-55.
Novik E.K. Istoriya Belarusi. S drevnejshih vremyon do 2013 g.: uchebnoe posobie / E.K.Novik, I.L.Kachalov, N.E.Novik. - 4-e izd. ispr. i dop. - Minsk: Vysh. shk., 2013, 31 pech. l.
Nov³k YA.K. G³storyya Belarus³: palem³chnyya materyyaly / Pad redakcyyaj doktara g³starychnyh navuk, prafesara YA.K. Nov³ka, M³nsk: Vyshejshaya shkola, 2015, 303 s. (16,5 pech. l.)
Novik, E.K. Social'no-gumanitarnoe znanie i obrazovanie: paradoksy razvitiya // ZHurn. Belorus. gos. un-ta. Sociologiya. 2018. № 1. S. 105-112.
YA.K.Nov³k, L.V.M³kalaeva, N.².Kurakev³ch, YU.².L³tv³no¢skaya, N.A.Sugaka, G.U. Myak³n'kaya
G³storyya kul'tury Belarus³ : vucheb. dapamozhn³k - M³nsk: BDU²R, 2020.- 238 s.
Novik E.K. Istoriya Belarusi, 1917-45 gg.: uchebnoe posobie dlya 10 kl. uchrezhden. Obshch. sred. Obrazovaniya s russk. YAz. Obucheniya / E.K.Novik. Minsk: Nar. Asveta, 2012. - 182 s.: il.
Nov³k YA.K. G³storyya Belarus³, 1917-1945 gg.: vuchebny dapamozhn. Dlya 10-ga kl. ustano¢ agul'n. Syaredn. Adukac. Z belarus. Movaj navuchannya; a¢tar metadychn. Aparatu V.V.G³nchuk / YA.K.Nov³k. M³nsk: Nar. Asveta, 2012. - 182 s.: ³l.
Novik E.K., Kachalov I.L. Istoriya Belarusi. S drevnejshih vremyon do 2012 g. : ucheb. posobie / E. K. Novik, I. L. Kachalov, N. E. Novik ; pod red. E. K. Novika. 3-e izd., ispr. i dop. Minsk : Vysh. shk., 2012. - 542 s.
Novik E.K. O Bolonskom processe i dejstvitel'nyh problemah obrazovaniya // Sociologiya - 2013 - N 3 - S. 83-97.
Novik E.K. Lovushki Bolonskogo processa. O problemah srednej i vysshej shkoly v Belarusi i putyah ee reformirovaniya // Belorusskaya dumka - 2013 -N 11- S. 49-55.
Novik E.K. Istoriya Belarusi. S drevnejshih vremyon do 2013 g.: uchebnoe posobie / E.K.Novik, I.L.Kachalov, N.E.Novik. - 4-e izd. ispr. i dop. - Minsk: Vysh. shk., 2013, 31 pech. l.
Nov³k YA.K. G³storyya Belarus³: palem³chnyya materyyaly / Pad redakcyyaj doktara g³starychnyh navuk, prafesara YA.K. Nov³ka, M³nsk: Vyshejshaya shkola, 2015, 303 s. (16,5 pech. l.)
Novik, E.K. Social'no-gumanitarnoe znanie i obrazovanie: paradoksy razvitiya // ZHurn. Belorus. gos. un-ta. Sociologiya. 2018. № 1. S. 105-112.
YA.K.Nov³k, L.V.M³kalaeva, N.².Kurakev³ch, YU.².L³tv³no¢skaya, N.A.Sugaka, G.U. Myak³n'kaya
G³storyya kul'tury Belarus³ : vucheb. dapamozhn³k - M³nsk: BDU²R, 2020.- 238 s.