Vashkevich Ina

Vashkevich Ina

General information:

Associate Professor Ina Vashkevich, Ph.D. in History
doc. Ina Vashkevich, Candidate of Sciences in History

address: Gikalo str. 9, building 4 Minsk 220013 Belarus
telephone: +375 17 293-80-14

Repository BSUIR

Google Scholar

Scientific interests

the modern history of Central and South-Eastern Europe, political institutions and processes in the modern world, modern educational technologies, problems of higher education.


Belarusian State University, Faculty of History
Belarusian State University, Postgraduate studies

Qualification Enhancement

program "Asnovy іdealogіі belaruskaj dzyarzhavy va umovah іnavacyjnaj dzejnascі" (2009, National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk)

program "Flash-technologies in education" (2014, National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk)

program "Educational Systems of the European Union: Prospects for Cooperation and Development" (2014, Charles University, Prague)

program "The educational system of the Republic of Belarus in the European higher education area" (2018, National Institute for Higher Education, Minsk)

Work experience

BSUIR, Department of Humanities (since 2004)

Academic disciplines

Political science, Political institutions and processes in the information society

List of publications

Vashkevich, I.V. Politicheskaya sistema v informacionnom obshchestve / I.V.Vashkevich // Sistemnaya transformaciya obshchestva: informacionnye tekhnologii, innovacii i tradicii: sbornik nauchnyh trudov kafedr social'no-gumanitarnyh nauk / Ministerstvo obrazovaniya Respubliki Belarus', Uchrezhdenie obrazovaniya "Brestskij gosudarstvennyj tekhnicheskij universitet". Pod red. N.V.Varich. - Vypusk XII. - Brest : Izdatel'stvo BrGTU. - 2019. - S. 22-25.

Vashkevich, I.V. Issledovatel'skij podhod v prepodavanii na distancionnom otdelenii VUZa / I.V.Vashkevich // Distancionnoe obuchenie - obrazovatel'naya sreda XXI veka: materialy XI Mezhdunar. nauch.-metod. konf. (Respublika Belarus', Minsk, 12-13 dekabrya 2019) / redkol. : V.A. Prytkov [i dr.]. - Minsk: BGUIR, 2019. - S. 77.

Vashkevich, I.V. Principy organizacii individual'noj raboty studentov v elektronnoj srede Moodle / I.V.Vashkevich // Kachestvo podgotovki specialistov v tekhnicheskom universitete : problemy, perspektivy, innovacionnye podhody : materialy V Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-metodicheskoj konferencii, 19-20 noyabrya 2020 g., Mogilev / Uchrezhdenie obrazovaniya "Mogilevskij gosudarstvennyj universitet prodovol'stviya"; redkol.: A.S.Nosikov (otv. red.). - Mogilev : MGUP, 2020. - S. 113-114.