Navrotskaya Irina

Navrotskaya Irina


Minsk, Gikalo street, house 9, building 4, office 323

Phone: +375 17 293-84-80

Professional interests/researches
Stylistics in diachrony and synchrony, scientific style, methods of teaching native and foreign languages, syntactic idiomatics, paremiology.

2005 - 2010 Belarusian State University; qualification: "Philologist. Lecturer of Belarusian language and literature"; diploma with honors.
2010 - 2012 Philological Faculty of BSU; master's degree in linguistics. Master of Linguistics.
2010 - 2012 St. Petersburg State University, Master's degree in philology; speciality "Russian language and literature". Master of Philology.
2014 - 2020 PhD study at the Philological Faculty of BSU. The topic of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences 10.02.01 - Belarusian language: "Formation and development of the scientific style of the modern Belarusian language (1920s - 1930s)"; qualification: "Researcher".

Professional development / Advanced training
2007 - 2010 "Polish language" (Minsk, BSU).
2008 "Polish language and literature", "Cultural studies", "History of theater and cinema", "Methods of teaching the Polish language" (Republic of Poland, Slupsk, Pomeranian Academy).
2008 - 2009 "English language" (Minsk State Linguistic University).
2015 "Language as a means of intercultural communication and multicultural education of a modern specialist" (Minsk, National Institute For Higher Education).
2019 seminar "How to learn a foreign language quickly" (Minsk, Polish Institute, BIP Institute).

Working career
2009 - 2012: translator of international translation agencies (Minsk, St. Petersburg).
2012 - Present: lecturer at the Department of General Education Disciplines of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radio Electronics.

Taught academic subjects
Practical classes in Belarusian Professional Language course.