Lomako Svetlana

Lomako Svetlana

Senior Lecturer

Minsk, Gikalo street, house 9, building 4, office 323

Phone: +375 17 293-84-80

E-mail: lomakosv@bsuir.by

Professional interests/researches
Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, intercultural communication.

1993 Belarusian State University; qualification "Philologist. Teacher of Russian language and literature".

Professional development / Advanced training
2001 - advanced training courses "Modern information technologies in the provision and teaching of disciplines of the humanities and socio-economic cycle" (RISH).
2005 - advanced training courses "Development of electronic materials for distance learning" (RISH).
2006 - advanced training courses "Language as a means of intercultural communication and multicultural education of a modern specialist" for teachers of Russian as a foreign language (RISH).
2011 - advanced training courses "Language as a means of intercultural communication and multicultural education of a modern specialist" (RISS).
2017 - advanced training courses "Belarusskaya mova yak zamezhnaya y kantexce suchasnai adukatsynai paradigmy" (RISH).
2020 - advanced training courses on the additional professional program "Features of teaching Russian as a foreign language at the initial stage and in the conditions of bilingual education" (Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. ".
2021 - training in ANO DPO (Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Additional Professional Education) "Education - Russian Word" under the program "Methods of Teaching RCT" (Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language").

Working career
2000 - to the present time - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, Department of OOD (as a senior lecturer since 2013).

Taught academic subjects
Russian as a foreign language - students of the faculty of pre-university training and professional orientation.