Kozel V

Kozel Valentina

Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Minsk, Gikalo street, house 9, building 4, office 309

Phone: +375 17 293-88-17

E-mail: v.i.kozel@bsuir.by

Professional interests/researches
Theory and practice of preparing future teachers for educational activities, interactive pedagogy, the basics of media pedagogy, social partnership in education, innovative approaches to organizing social partnership in a higher education institution, innovative technologies of educational work in educational institutions, management in project activities, the formation of a person's readiness for constructive self-affirmation, socio-pedagogical work on the prevention of violence against minors and human trafficking. Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, culture of speech.

1981 - 1985 Russian language and literature teacher. Maxim Gorky Minsk State Pedagogical Institution
2004 - 2009 Postgraduate education. Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University
2009 - Candidate of pedagogical sciences.
2012 - Associate professor of pedagogical sciences
2016 - 2019 Doctoral research studies. Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University

Working career.
1985 - 1988 Russian language and literature teacher, planner of extracurricular and extracurricular educational activities.
State Educational Institution Kurshinovichi Secondary School of Lyakhovichi District, Brest Region
1988 - 2006 Russian language and literature teacher.Educational Institution Baranovichi State Professional Lyceum of Mechanical Engineering
2006 - 2020 Associate professor since 2012. Baranovichi State University, Department of Pedagogy and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
2010 - 2014 Head of the Department of Pedagogy. Baranovichi State University
2020 - up to now Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines. Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Taught academic subjects
Conducts a practical course of study "Russian as a foreign language".

Main publications
2009 defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences on Formation of students’ readiness for constructive self-affirmation in vocational schools.
Creator of the Office for the Prevention of Violence against Minors and Human Trafficking, intellectual and creative associations "Student Innovation Workshop" (winner of the Republican competition "100 Ideas for Belarus" in the nomination "Non-standard approach in education"), "School Workshop of Innovations", organizer of the Regional "Fair innovations", Republican scientific and practical seminar "Social partnership in the training of future teachers" in Baranovichi State University. Author of workshops "Constructive self-affirmation of pupils in society" for class teachers and academic advisors, organized by the journal "Narodnaya asveta" in the direction of working with readers "Practice focused on success", author of the column "Journal of an academic advisor" in the peer-reviewed journal "Narodnaya asveta".