Perevyshko Alina Ivanovna
Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 309
Phone: +375 17 293-89-22
Minsk, P. Brovka Street, house 4, building 2, office 309
Phone: +375 17 293-89-22
Professional interests/researches
Information and communication technologies; modern approaches in teaching English at non-linguistic universities.
Minsk State Linguistic University, Bachelor`s degree. Specialty: «English and German Languages». Qualification «Teacher of English and German Languages».
Postgraduate Courses, Minsk State Linguistic University. Specialty «German Languages».
Trainings, professional development
19.03-21.04.1998 Training course «Working on personal computers by intensive methodology», Educational enterprise «Modern computer professions».
09.04 - 05.05.2001 Training course «User of PPE», Faculty of Personnel Retraining and Advanced Training of BSUIR.
27.01-28.03.2003 Training course «Pedagogical skills and modern teaching technologies», Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies.
10.04-21.04.2017 Training course «Modern professional and qualification structure of education in the Republic of Belarus: traditions and innovations»», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
Working career
1996-2000 Teacher in state educational institutions - schools.
2000-present Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - I level of higher education (252 hours)
Information and communication technologies; modern approaches in teaching English at non-linguistic universities.
Minsk State Linguistic University, Bachelor`s degree. Specialty: «English and German Languages». Qualification «Teacher of English and German Languages».
Postgraduate Courses, Minsk State Linguistic University. Specialty «German Languages».
Trainings, professional development
19.03-21.04.1998 Training course «Working on personal computers by intensive methodology», Educational enterprise «Modern computer professions».
09.04 - 05.05.2001 Training course «User of PPE», Faculty of Personnel Retraining and Advanced Training of BSUIR.
27.01-28.03.2003 Training course «Pedagogical skills and modern teaching technologies», Republican Institute of Innovative Technologies.
10.04-21.04.2017 Training course «Modern professional and qualification structure of education in the Republic of Belarus: traditions and innovations»», National Institute for Higher Education (NIHE).
Working career
1996-2000 Teacher in state educational institutions - schools.
2000-present Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, BSUIR.
Taught academic subjects
Foreign Language (English) - I level of higher education (252 hours)