Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Inna V. Andrialovich

Inna V. Andrialovich

Master of Engineering and Technology

Minsk, st. P. Brovki, 4, office 308
Phone: +375 17 293-88-73
Professional Interest/Research Area
Information technology, psychology, modern programming languages
Faculty burnout

2014 - Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College, specialty "Information Technology Software", qualification - technician-programmer
2014 - 2015 - Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College with a degree in Professional Education (Informatics), qualification - teacher programmer
2015 - 2017 - BSUIR in the specialty "Vocational training (computer science)", qualification - teacher programmer
2017 - 2019 - BSUIR with a degree in Industrial Process Safety Management, Master of Engineering and Technology
2020 - to the present - postgraduate studies at BSUIR in the specialty 19.00.03 "Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics"

Internships, professional development
2019 - study at the Sofia Technical University (Bulgaria) on the subject of master's thesis

Labor activity
2017 - 2018 - specialist of the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics
2018 - 2020 - Assistant at the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics,
2019 - defended her master's thesis on "Assessment of the safety reliability of the BelNPP and the development of measures to improve its safety"
2019 - 2021 - Chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization of BSUIR Students
2020 - present - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Design of BSUIR
2020 - up to the present - part-time assistant of the Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Readable academic disciplines
Diploma project management
Standard control of master's theses

1.Analysis of the information model of the university 3.0 / I.V. Andrialovich [and others] // BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA and high-level analysis: Sat. materials of the VI Int. scientific-practical Conf., Minsk, May 20-21, 2020: at 3 o'clock Part 3 / editorial board: V. A. Bogush [et al.]. - Minsk: Bestprint, 2020 .-- P. 25 - 33.
2.Andrialovich, I.V. A systematic approach to improving the efficiency of the educational process based on block-modular technology / Andrialovich I.V. // Electronic systems and technologies: 55th anniversary conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students, Minsk, 22-26 April 2019: collection of abstracts / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .-- S. 411-412.
3.Andrialovich, I. V. Assessment and analysis of fire safety at the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant / I. V. Andrialovich, M. A. Konovalova // BIG DATA and Advanced Analytics = BIG DATA and high-level analysis: collection of materials of the V International scientific -practical conference, Minsk, March 13-14, 2019 At 2 pm Part 1 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; editorial board : V. A. Bogush [and others]. - Minsk, 2019 .-- P. 238 - 246.
4.Andrialovich, I. V. Analysis of the parameters of the VVER-1200 power unit / Andrialovich I. V. // Electronic systems and technologies: 55th anniversary conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students, Minsk, April 22-26, 2019: collection of abstracts reports / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. - Minsk: BSUIR, 2019 .-- P. 410.
5.Andrialovich, I.V. Assessment of NPP safety reliability / I.V. Andrialovich // Computer design and production technology of electronic systems: collection of abstracts 54 scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students, Minsk, April 23-27, 2018 / Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics; otv. ed. Radnenok A.L. - Minsk, 2018 .-- P. 213.
6. Andrialovich, I. V. Methods for solving linear programming problems and methods of its use in the educational process [Electronic resource] / I. V. Andrialovich, I. S. Gilevskaya, N. I. Listopad // Actual problems of vocational education: abstracts reports of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference (Minsk, May 18, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- P. 16 - 17.
7.Andrialovich, I. V. Software "Methods for solving linear programming problems" and methods of its use in the educational process / I. V. Andrialovich, I. S. Gilevskaya // Radio engineering systems: materials of the 53rd scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, May 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- S. 21 - 22.
8. Gladkaya, V. S. Formation of professional pedagogical self-awareness of distance learning students / V. S. Gladkaya, A. P. Klyuev, I. V. Andrialovich // Distance learning - educational environment of the XXI century: materials of the X international scientific and methodological conference (Minsk, December 7 - 8, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- P. 230-231.
9. Gilevskaya, I. S. Software "Methods for solving well-structured problems" and the method of its use in the educational process / I. S. Gilevskaya, I. V. Andrialovich // Radio engineering systems: materials of the 53rd scientific conference of graduate students, undergraduates and students (Minsk, May 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- p. 19 - 20.
10. Gilevskaya, IS Software tool "Methods for solving well-structured problems" and methods of its use in the educational process [Electronic resource] / IS Gilevskaya, IV Andrialovich, NI Listopad // Actual questions vocational education: abstracts of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference (Minsk, May 18, 2017). - Minsk: BSUIR, 2017 .-- P. 68 - 69.

Merits, awards, incentives
2016 - Winner of the scholarship of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus
2020 - Diploma from BSUIR for achieving high results in scientific and pedagogical activities and personal contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists