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Academic Department of Engineering Psychology and Ergonomics

Ekaterina B. Karpovich

Ekaterina B. Karpovich

Senior Lecturer at the Department
Master of Engineering and Technology

Minsk, st. P. Brovki, 4, office 606
Phone: +375 17 293-88-24

Professional interests/researches
Educational process at a technical university
Self-regulation based on biofeedback principles

2001 - BSPU them. M. Tanka with a degree in Social Pedagogy, Foreign Language
2008 - postgraduate study at BSPU named after M. Tanka, specialty 13.00.01 «General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education»
2011 - RIPE with a degree in Practical Psychology
2015 - Master's degree BSUIR in the specialty «Safety management of industrial processes»

Trainings, professional development
2020 - RIHE under the program «Social and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle in the youth environment»
2020 - RIVSH under the program «Social and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a culture of healthy lifestyle among youth»
2023 - RIVSH under the program «E-Learning Technologies»

Working career
2002 - up to the present - senior lecturer of the Department of IP&E

Taught academic subjects
Psychology of information perception
Pre-project research and analysis
Engineering and psychological design
Diploma project management
Secretary of the State Examination Commission for the Defense of Master's Theses